How to Breed the Equinox Dragon in DragonVale

How to Breed the Equinox Dragon in DragonVale

The Equinox Dragon is one of the most sought-after epic dragons in DragonVale. This dazzling dragon comes in four different forms – Forest Equinox, Light Equinox, Dark Equinox, and Air Equinox. Getting any of the Equinox dragons isn’t easy though, as they can only be acquired through specific breeding combinations during special times of the year.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to successfully breed all four types of Equinox dragons for your park.

Overview of Equinox Dragons

How to Breed the Equinox Dragon in DragonVale

Equinox dragons are extra special because they only appear twice a year – during the spring and fall Equinox events in March and September. Each Equinox dragon represents one of the four main elemental habitats in DragonVale – Forest, Light, Dark, and Air.

Here’s a quick overview of the different Equinox dragon types:

Equinox DragonHabitatBreeding Hints
Forest Equinox DragonForestUse plant and earth dragons
Light Equinox DragonLightUse lightning and cold dragons
Dark Equinox DragonDarkUse metal and fire dragons
Air Equinox DragonAirUse air and water dragons

Now let’s get into the specific details on how to successfully breed each type of Equinox dragon.

How to Breed Forest Equinox Dragon

The lush green Forest Equinox Dragon represents the earthy essence of spring. This stunning winged beast features flowering vines, butterflies, and a magnificent branching pattern across its back symbolizing trees budding with new growth.

Follow the steps below to breed your own Forest Equinox Dragon:

1. Upgrade Breeding Cave

  • Ensure your breeding cave is upgraded to at least level 2. Level 3 or 4 offers the best odds for rare dragons.
  • Having multiple upgraded caves allows more breeding attempts at once.

2. Gather Parent Dragons

Successful combinations for Forest Equinox include:

  • Maple Dragon + Fern Dragon
  • Forest Dragon + Dandelion Dragon
  • Tree Dragon + Poison Dragon

3. Wait for Equinox Event

  • Forest Equinox breeding is only possible during the spring Equinox event, usually occurring in March.
  • The event timer in your park will indicate when Equinox breeding is activated.
Dragon 1Dragon 2Breeding OddsIncubation Time
Maple DragonFern Dragon5% + fails30 hours
Forest DragonDandelion Dragon3% + fails30 hours
Tree DragonPoison Dragon5% – 10% based on upgrades30 hours

4. Keep Trying

  • With upgraded caves and ideal parent dragons, you still only have ~5% – 10% chance per attempt.
  • Be prepared to try many times before successfully breeding Forest Equinox!

When you finally hatch a Forest Equinox Dragon, be sure to place it in your Forest habitat where it will gleefully spread vines and flowers!

How to Breed Light Equinox Dragon

The angelic Light Equinox Dragon brings to mind the glow of spring. This divine-looking creature has feathers that resemble beams of light and a vibrant pattern on its chest symbolizing growth and renewal.

Use the following tips to breed a Light Equinox Dragon for your park:

1. Upgrade Breeding Cave

As with other rare dragons, having multiple level 3 or 4 breeding caves is ideal for more breeding attempts.

2. Gather Parent Dragons

Good combinations include:

  • Star Dragon + Snow Dragon
  • Daylight Dragon + Cold Dragon
  • Dawn Dragon + Frostfire Dragon

3. Wait for Equinox Event

Light Equinox breeding possibility comes around during the spring Equinox event.

Dragon 1Dragon 2Breeding OddsIncubation Time
Star DragonSnow Dragon3% + fails30 hours
Daylight DragonCold Dragon5% + fails30 hours
Dawn DragonFrostfire Dragon5% – 10% based on upgrades30 hours

4. Keep Trying

With optimal dragons and breeding cave levels, you still only have ~5% chance each attempt. Expect many fails before finally getting that Light Equinox Dragon!

After finally breeding a Light Equinox Dragon, move it to your Light habitat where it will gleefully spread light and joy.

How to Breed Dark Equinox Dragon

The intimidating yet awesome-looking Dark Equinox Dragon represents the turning of seasons into autumn. This fierce dragon arrives cloaked in shadows and bones with a blazing pattern symbolizing summer fading to fall.

Use the following combinations when the fall event rolls around:

1. Upgrade Breeding Caves

As always, having multiple level 4 breeding caves will significantly increase your chances.

2. Gather Parent Dragons

Solid parent pairings include:

  • Bone Dragon + Smoke Dragon
  • Iron Dragon + Scorpion Dragon
  • Metal Dragon + Charcoal Dragon

3. Wait for Fall Equinox Event

Dark Equinox breeding is only possible when the fall Equinox event is occurring, typically in September.

Dragon 1Dragon 2Breeding OddsIncubation Time
Bone DragonSmoke Dragon5% + fails30 hours
Iron DragonScorpion Dragon3% + fails30 hours
Metal DragonCharcoal Dragon5%-10% based on upgrades30 hours

4. Persist Through Fails

Even with ideal parent dragons and upgraded caves, you still only have ~5%-10% chance per breeding attempt. Just keep trying!

After finally getting that coveted Dark Equinox Dragon egg, be sure to place it in your darkest Dark habitat once hatched!

How to Breed Air Equinox Dragon

The stunning Air Equinox Dragon encapsulates the crispness of autumn air with its visually striking cracked ice shell and whirling wind design across its wings.

When trying for an Air Equinox, use these tips:

1. Get Upgraded Caves

Multiple level 4 breeding caves will offer significantly better odds for breeding rare limited dragons.

2. Ideal Parent Dragons

Use combinations like:

  • Blizzard Dragon + Mist Dragon
  • Cold Dragon + Rain Dragon
  • Iceberg Dragon + Cloud Dragon

3. Wait for Fall Equinox Event

Attempting to breed Air Equinox is only possible during the fall Equinox event, typically occurring in September.

Dragon 1Dragon 2Breeding OddsIncubation Time
Blizzard DragonMist Dragon3% + fails30 hours
Cold DragonRain Dragon5% + fails30 hours
Iceberg DragonCloud Dragon5%-10% based on upgrades30 hours

4. Persistence Pays Off

Even with maxed out caves and the best parent dragons, breeding an Air Equinox is challenging. Expect many fails before finally getting that egg!

Once hatched, quickly move your rare Air Equinox Dragon to an Air habitat to watch it happily manipulate the wind and weather!

Final Tips for Breeding Equinox Dragons

Breeding any of the ultra-rare Equinox dragons tests the patience of even the most seasoned DragonVale players. But with the right strategies, you can dramatically increase your odds of success:

  • Ensure upgraded breeding caves level 3 or preferably level 4
  • Only attempt during Equinox events in March and September
  • Use recommended dragon combinations – element matters
  • Persist even with low odds – RNG is key!
  • Have Etherium on hand to instantly speed up fails
  • Light torches and ask friends to fuel up for breeding boosts
  • Supplement with saved-up Equinox eggs from previous events

If you follow these tips and keep trying, you WILL eventually breed those majestic Equinox dragons! Good luck!

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